Notes on Chinese (Mandarin) grammar and morphology

Morphology and Grammar

If you know perl or similar languages, the notation should be almost all obvious, apart from that I use + for word concatenation (with spaces if used in that language) and ++ for concatenation to make a word. Otherwise, see notes on my metasyntactic notation.


Verb tenses

Tense All persons
Perfect 过去Verb le4
曾 jing1 Verb le4
Imperfect 过去Verb过
曾 jing1Verb过
Present Verb
Want to

Note: I am an amateur enthusiast about languages, and not a linguist. I don't know this language in depth, and these notes have come entirely or almost entirely from learning from books. I made these notes for my convenience, because I don't like ploughing through the verbiage around the actual information in typical language books; I've put them here in case others with the same preference find them useful.

I'd very much welcome corrections and clarifications, especially from native speakers.

If you want a definitive answer on something, you should find someone who knows the language properly!

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John C. G. Sturdy
[John's home] Last modified: Wed Sep 12 21:49:26 IST 2007