Emacs ringing system: configuration

To set options, type M-x ringing:set-variables, and it will prompt you for all the options, displaying help on each one. To set an individual option without having to go through all the others, type M-x ringing:set-one-variable. Both of these allow you to save the options for subsequent sessions.

The following documentation is produced automatically from the documentation strings for the configuration variables.

Pop up buffer for clashes (ringing:show-clashes-warning-big)
Whether to pop up a buffer for clashes. If this is nil, the message telling you that you've clashed appears in the minibuffer for a moment.
Highlight user mistakes (ringing:highlight-bad-rows)
Whether to highlight rows on which the user has made a mistake.
Underline user mistakes (ringing:underline-faults)
Whether to underline faults. Like highlighting them, but shows up when you print a buffer in a plain manner.
Allow going off the end of the row, as an error (ringing:error-off-end-of-row)
Whether to give an error on going off the end of a row. If this is nil, ignore movements that would take you off the end.
Mark backstrokes distinctly from handstrokes (ringing:mark-backstroke)
Whether to mark backstrokes (in italic if possible, else underlined).
Always use method library (ringing:always-use-method-library)
Whether to go straight to the method library, skipping the predefined methods directory. The predefined methods directory is really a leftover from an earlier stage of this package, and on the whole the method libraries are more useful, so it's probably best to keep this one switched on. The main exception to this will be if you're composing new methods.
Always scan all libraries (ringing:always-scan-all-libraries)
Whether to look in all the libraries, rather than asking the user which one. This takes a few seconds on a typical system, but saves you having to remember the naming convention for the library files. This delay will happen only the first time in the session that you ring on a particular number of bells.
Method library directory (method-library:directory)
Where to look for the mSiRiL method libraries. The filenames in this directory should be as in the Internet central repository of methods, pointed to by method-library:standard-network-library-URL. See also place-notation:default-methods-directory, for where to put added methods of your own, in a format similar to that down the sides of methods in the Ringing World diary.
Show method names as library is scanned (method-library:full-progress-messages)
Whether to display each method name while an mSiRiL file is scanned. A nice way of showing progress, but also slows the progress down a bit (on the author's system, this is quite a small effect; with a slow network connection it might make more difference)..
User's collection of extra methods (place-notation:default-methods-directory)
The default place in which to look for methods. This is not the mSiRiL method library -- that is pointed to by method-library:directory -- but a collection of files in a format similar to that down the side of the methods in the Ringing World diary.
Method groups directory (method-groups:groups-directory)
Where to look for the groups of methods, such as standard-eight. Each file simply contains method names, one per line. The place notation is not given, so the grouping may be applied to different stages without trying to extend automatically.
Show lines (ringing:show-lines)
Whether to show the lines as well as the numbers -- or possibly instead, according to ringing:show-numbers.
Character (in "lines") for treble (ringing:row-lines-treble)
The character with which to draw the treble line. Normally . unless that is being used to provide a grid by putting it in ringing:row-lines-other-bells.
Character (in "lines") for marked bell (ringing:row-lines-marked-bell)
The character with which to draw the marked bell.
Character (in "lines") for other marked bell (ringing:row-lines-other-marked-bell)
The character with which to draw the second marked bell, for handbells.
Character (in "lines") for other bells (ringing:row-lines-other-bells)
The character with which to draw other bells. Normally a space, unless you want dots to draw a grid, in which case you should probably set ringing:row-lines-treble to something other than dot.
Character (in "lines") for start of row (ringing:row-lines-start-char)
The character to put at the start of each line of "line" characters.
Character (in "lines") for end of row (ringing:row-lines-end-char)
The character to put at the end of each line of "line" characters.
Multi-column display (method-display:main-display-function)
The display function to use in most places.
Page width (method-display:page-width)
Width of page in characters, for choosing when to start new block of columns. Non-number or zero means use the frame width.
Form-feed between blocks (method-display:form-feed-between-blocks)
Whether to insert a form feed between the blocks of columns, in multi-column output.
Draw lines between rows in general (ringing:show-lines-with-lines)
Whether to draw \, |, / between rows. If you do this, the resulting buffer has twice as many lines of text as it would otherwise, since it still has the * for the blue line and . for the red line, as before.
Draw lines between rows when teaching (ringing:lines-between-rows-when-teaching)
Whether to draw lines between the rows when getting the user to try something during a teaching command.
Show numbers (ringing:show-numbers)
Whether to show the numbers as well as the lines -- or possibly instead, according to ringing:show-lines.
Asterisk manual bell (method-display:asterisk-manual-bell)
Whether to mark the observation bell with an asterisk instead of a digit.
Show only course bells in numbers display (ringing:display-course-bells-only)
Whether to display just the course bells in the numbers column, or, alternatively, all the bell numbers.
Green line for other bell of pair generally (ringing:green-line-too)
Whether to show a green line for the other handbell rung by the observation ringer.
Green line for other bell of pair while teaching (ringing:green-line-too-while-teaching)
Whether to show the green line while teaching. Having this on is probably mostly a distraction, even if you're usually using the green line; but you might want it, if learning for handbells.
Auto-ring inter-row delay (ringing:auto-ring-inter-row-delay)
How long to wait between rows, when showing methods non-interactively.
Draw lead twice (at top and bottom) (method-display:draw-lead-twice)
Whether to draw the lead end at the bottom of each column as well as at the top.
Show final rounds again at end (method-display:show-final-rounds)
Whether to show the final rounds again in displaying a method. You may find the output with this off neater, as the rounds go in column of their own.
List similar methods (mSiRiL-mode:list-similar-methods)
Whether to list methods similar to the one just shown. This requires parsing of the whole file the first time it is done.
mSiRiL-mode:ring-method's starting point defaults to tenor (mSiRiL-mode:default-manual-start-at-tenor)
Whether mSiRiL-mode:ring-method's starting point should default to the tenor or to the lowest bell making places at the lead end.
mSiRiL-mode displays methods takes the whole frame (mSiRiL-mode:single-window-display)
Whether to switch to a single window in the frame when displaying from mSiRiL-mode.
mSiRiL-mode ringing takes the whole frame (mSiRiL-mode:single-window-ringing)
Whether to switch to a single window in the frame when ringing from mSiRiL-mode.
Use timing (ringing:use-timing)
Whether to use real-time reading of bell events. If true, you can press the space bar at the appropriate time to ring; if false, you must use arrow or number keys. See ringing:time-step for further details.
Timing speed (ringing:time-step)
If non-nil, use for real-time reading of bell events, in which case it should be a floating-point number of seconds for use as the time step in reading the input, and the input is taken as given unless it takes more than ringing:time-late steps which is taken as going up a place; if the timed input is the space bar, if it is sooner than ringing:time-early it is down a place, if later than ringing:time-late is is up a place, otherwise it is making places. Since the normal settings of ringing:time-late and ringing:time-early are centred around 10, ringing:time-step should be set to one-tenth of the average change time -- i.e. typically around 0.2.
Time steps for boundary between down and places (ringing:time-early)
How few ringing:time-step units (which see) to wait for the space bar to count as ringing early.
Time steps for boundary between places and up (ringing:time-late)
How many ringing:time-step units (which see) to wait for before counting a stroke as being up.
Timeout on not pressing anything (ringing:timeout)
The timeout for manual input, or nil if no timeout. After this time (in seconds) without any input, the appropriate arrow key will be "typed" for you.
Mini ropes (ermm:mini-ropes)
Whether to draw mini-ropes.
Font for handstrokes in PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-handstroke-font)
The font to use for handstrokes when printing methods in PostScript.
Font for backstrokes in PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-backstroke-font)
The font to use for backstrokes when printing methods in PostScript.
Font size for PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-font-size)
The default font size for printing methods in PostScript. The PostScript code may scale this to fit methods in the space available.
Leading factor for PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-leading-factor)
How much space to allow between rows, as a multiplier for the font size.
Thickness of red lines in PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-red-line-width)
The thickness of the red line in PostScript output.
Thickness of blue lines in PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-blue-line-width)
The thickness of the blue line in PostScript output.
Thickness of green lines in PostScript printing (ringing:postscript-green-line-width)
The thickness of the green line in PostScript output.
Directory for PostScript temporary files for printing (mSiRiL-mode:ps-temp-files-directory)
Directory in which to put the PostScript files for methods.
Command to send PostScript to printer (ringing:ps-print-command)
Command to send a named PostScript file to a suitable printer.
Show the user each lead when teaching (teach-ringing:preview-leads)
Whether to show the user each lead before getting them to try it, in teaching functions.
Never the same random bell consecutively (ringing:never-same-random-consecutive)
Whether to prevent the random bell chooser from presenting the same bell twice running.
Name each teaching lead buffer differently (ringing:lead-buffer-name-format)
Format string for naming teaching buffers, with PLACE (%d) and NAME (%s) to be substituted.
Times user must get lead right in intensive learning (teaching phase) (teach-ringing:required-perfects-seen)
How many times the user must ring a lead correctly before not being shown it before each try, in ringing:teach-each-lead-of-method-until-perfect.
Times user must get lead right in intensive learning (testing phase) (teach-ringing:required-perfects-unseen)
How many times the user must ring a lead correctly without being shown it before each try, before they can go on to the next lead in ringing:teach-each-lead-of-method-until-perfect.
Acceptable faults in intensive learning (teach-ringing:tolerable-faults)
How many faults per lead to allow while counting the lead as correctly rung.
Test user on previous leads in intensive learning (teach-ringing:test-previous-leads)
Whether ringing:teach-each-lead-of-method-until-perfect should go back through all the previous leads each time it moves on to the next lead, to make sure you haven't forgotten them. If numeric, go back through that number of leads rather than all of them.
Syntax coloring in mSiRiL buffers (mSiRiL:do-own-coloring)
Whether mSiRiL-mode should do its own coloring.
Do syntax coloring lazily in mSiRiL buffers (mSiRiL:color-lazily)
Whether mSiRiL-mode should do its coloring lazily.

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Last modified: Thu Dec 16 14:53:40 GMT 2004